Article 112. A stock exchange shall deposit in a special bank account the trading guarantee fund and risk? bearing fund it has collected, and unauthorized use of these funds is not allowed. 第一百一十二条证券交易所应当将收存的交易保证金、风险基金存入开户银行专门帐户,不得擅自使用。
A large amount of provincial non-tax revenue is kept in the special bank account opened by the department of finance. 财政收入中有很大一部分非税收入是在财政部门开设的财政专户中,财政专户是在银行的开设的结算账户。
The ordering system is suitable for schools, enterprises and other special needs not one canteen management ◇, one card, one, one bank, the account management of public data sets, global share; ◇本订餐系统适合于学校、企事业单位等没有特殊需求的食堂管理◇一人、一卡、一户、一库,帐户公共数据集中管理、全局共享;